Circular Economy

This in turn gives back to the earth and we doing our part by contributing towards a cleaner environment and the circular economy for generations to come.

Moving towards a more circular economy could deliver benefits such as reducing pressure on the environment, improving the security of the supply of raw materials, increasing competitiveness, stimulating innovation, boosting economic growth by (an additional 0.5% of gross domestic product)

Unlike the traditional take-make-consume-dispose approach, a circular economy seeks to respect environmental boundaries through increasing the share of renewable or recyclable resources while reducing the consumption of raw materials and energy. Emissions and loss of resources will thus be reduced.

Recycling of ICT equipment can create a 'circular economy' for electronics where the waste is designed out, the environmental impact could be reduced and decent work created for millions. A system in which all discarded products are collected and then the materials or components reintegrated into new products could:

  • Produce new raw materials
  • Create new economic growth, 'green' jobs, and business opportunities.
  • Substantially reduce carbon dioxide emissions, compared to raw resource extraction through mining or industrial extraction.
  • Recycling old devices saves energy
  • Recycling is considered environmentally friendly

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